Friday, 23 March 2012

New Bimanual Synkinesis video 25 months old

Here is Reuben showing his mirrored hand movements - I could watch his hands all day! Bimanual synkinesis is a neurological condition in the brain which affects his hands and wrists up to the elbow, when he moves one hand the other mirrors the movement, it's subconscious and he can't help it, but in time we hope he will learn to adapt to learn ways of using a knife and fork etc. Sometimes this condition is associated with Kallmann's Syndrome but Reuben's brain scan shows that he doesn't have it.

It looks like Reuben even though he has the mirroring he favours his left hand as the dominant hand so it looks like he will be left handed just like Daddy!

I hadn't noticed something until the neurologist pointed it out to me, and he explained why also that the part of the brain that tells Reuben's hands to work together also controls his mouth opening and closing so when his hands mirror, his mouth opens and closes at the same time! you can't really see it in this video because he's eating at the same time but it's fascinating!

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