Friday, 16 March 2012


If you know Reuben well, you'll know that he loves playing with the washing labels on his clothes or toys, bibs and blankets, and he won't sleep without a taggie blanket to rub between his fingers he loves them!

Lately though there has been talk of a different kind of label, one for one of his many conditions. For the past couple of weeks the words aspergers and autistic spectrum have been floating around in the air and today we saw the neurologist who seemed to also be leaning towards the same thing. Reuben is a little young to make a full assessment but he has been referred to the Community Paediatric team who will monitor him in various situations and see if there is anything which flags up but to us, Reuben is Reuben, whichever box he doesn't tick it doesn't matter to us :o)

With regard to Reuben's bimanual synkinesis, the neurologist said that he displays the most extreme case he has ever seen! He explained the workings of Reuben's brain and the results of the scans etc, which are a bit difficult to understand but the short of it is that they just have to monitor and help him adapt to learn his own ways of dealing with it as he gets bigger.

The good news is that the neurologist has said that his spinal condition is purely an idiopathic scoliosis and not a neurological issue, so they don't know the cause for it, which doesn't seem like good news, but it is!

So we'll see what comes next - whatever it is bring it on!

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