Monday, 26 September 2011

The Day Before.

Tomorrow Reuben goes in hospital again to have his spinal cast changed and today is the mad-panic day before of planning, packing, sorting, checking, finding, and worrying. I don't worry too much, I know that Reuben will be safe in God's hands throughout his time in theatre, it's the little niggly things which are out of our control. Will there be bad traffic, will we make it there on time, will Esther get to school on time, will Reuben be ok with the anaesthetic this time, will we be back in time.... deep breath. Must remember, God is in control of all those things too.
Reuben is currently sleeping, which has given me time to write down a few thoughts and unburden my head so I can continue packing!
Reuben will be nil-by-mouth from midnight tonight. We have to be at the hospital at 7.30am which means a 6.15am prompt departure. When we arrive we are given a bed and he will go to have his existing cast taken off which he does not like at all!! Then he goes for a few x-rays and then a bath before going back into theatre at 9am. The procedure to apply the new cast under general anaesthetic takes about 1 hour and 40 minutes on a traction table, to me it looks like a medieval torture device and I can't even think about it when he's down there, I have to busy my mind on crosswords and what we're having for tea etc until they tell us that he's back in recovery. He'll then have a sleep for a couple of hours, have something to eat and drink and then be allowed home if everything is ok with his obs.
So early bed for all tonight, early start tomorrow, we'll let you know how he is with an update soon xx

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