Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Reuben's 3rd cast

Yesterday Reuben had his spinal scoliosis cast changed at Manchester Children's Hospital. Things didn't go quite to plan, the spinal nurse was late due to bad traffic and his procedure got delayed until 11am so he was nil-by-mouth for longer than anticipated, but he didn't complain and was very good. It mean't he had time for a nice leisurely bath which at first he wasn't keen but after a while quite enjoyed it which was nice.
Claire did his cast this time, usually it is Pauline but Claire is being trained for when Pauline retires so this time she did it.
We were allowed home at 3.30pm after Reuben had something to eat and drink and could walk about again.
He had some x-rays done which show some improvement! He started off with a 45-50 degree curvature which has been reduced to 40 degrees! We were told not to expect any improvement for about a year or so but he's improving already after just 6 months.
Here are a few photos, the first 2 are in the bath and the second is waiting to go to theatre. The first one shows what his curve looks like looking down from the top.

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