Here's another video of Reuben's mirrored hands. He still displays identical movements although he is doing well at crawling now!
We are now booked in for Tuesday morning instead of the afternoon for Reuben to have his spinal cast replaced so we have to be at the hospital for 7.30am.
Physiotherapy department have just telephoned to say that the CAF (common assessment Framework) form has been filled in and sent off for Portage to be able to assess him for extra support at home with learning. They are also chasing up his new walking frame which has been on order for a long time now and should have been here ages ago!
At the clinic yesterday Reuben was weighed and has lost a bit more weight, now right at the bottom of the 0.4th centile but they're not overly worried as he has been running around a lot and is teething so appetite isn't great and with a tight cast on there's not a lot of room left in his tummy so hopefully he'll get back on track when it is changed.
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