Friday, 3 February 2012

One less Clinic!

Today Reuben saw the paediatrician who has officially discharged him from his clinic (unless the neurosurgeon or spinal team decide he needs further investigations etc) but for now it's a step in the right direction and one less clinic to go to!
He was pleased that Reuben is doing well and is being seen by all the other areas that Reuben needs care for, so he doesn't need to see him again hurray!

After his cast change on Tuesday Reuben has had a sore throat from the tube and hasn't been eating solid foods which has affected his digestive system somewhat, and he hasn't been himself due to being achey and sore. He was also cold and wet from the cast, as it takes 24 hours to dry so we've been keeping him dosed up on pain relief and wrapping him up in blankets to keep warm. Yesterday the cast was dry enough  to put all the padding around and the tape to stop the edges rubbing his skin, so he's a little more comfortable now. Today he's more lively and noisy and it's great to see him playing and shouting!

This was Reuben on Tuesday, when he had a bath at the hospital he fell straight to sleep! And he stayed asleep while they administered the anaesthetic a bit later and woke up with his new cast on. He still looks just like a little baby to me when he is asleep, he doesn't look 2 years old! He's wearing his new Thomas the Tank Engine dressing gown from Grandma and Grandad he loves it!

And here is proof that he is growing! Slowly but surely!

Reuben has his 2 year check-up next friday with the health visitor, and Portage will continue to come every Wednesday morning. He also sees the neurosurgeon next month also.

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