Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Reuben's 5th Cast

Today Reuben went into hospital to have his 5th Spinal cast applied. Everything went fine in theatre, he was a bit cold when he came out so he had to be put in a hot bag for a while but he soon warmed up. After a couple of hours sleep he was awake for some food and the hospital let us take him home! Tomorrow he will ache a bit from the traction and once he has dried out we can apply all the padding and tape to stop the edges rubbing on his skin.
The hospital seemed really pleased with his progress and there looks to be some improvement visually, but we won't know facts and figures until April but we are hopeful that the treatment is working.
Here he is our superhero concrete boy, having just come round from his sleep he had some lovely smiles to see us -

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