Wednesday, 22 February 2012

"AdYoo baBa"

"Thank you Bye-Bye"!
Reuben may not have very many words but he does know when and how to use them, and is improving all the time! We're getting there slowly but surely!

Today Reuben's portage worker came and we worked through the development charts to see what level he is currently at so we can help him to progress. I was quite disheartened that he is at the level of an 'average' 16 month old (he is 25 months) but we know now what he needs help with and how to help him better so it's all good!
He works hard with Sarah doing the matching and sorting activities! 

Yesterday I had to take him back to RMCH to have his cast adjusted, he was not happy about this at all! His cast and skin needed cleaning at the back and the cast needed adjusting slightly to make it a bit more comfortable for him for the next few weeks that he has it on.

At Reuben's 2 year routine check up at the clinic he didn't quite tick all the boxes but because he has a portage worker, instead of seeing him in 6 months time they will see him again in 12 months time to check that he is making good progress.

Reuben's appointment with the neurologist has been put back a couple of weeks also, so it is in about 4 weeks time.

Here's a photo from our day out to SpacePort in Birkenhead during half term, Reuben enjoyed the activities and playing!

And I had to add this one of Esther and Reuben, it's a bit blurry as I had to grab the camera quick but he loves her so much and adores her kisses and cuddles, he gets so excited when she comes out of school that he squeals in excitement to see her, shouting 'Ezda!' and goes to her for a kiss before we can go home! It'll be nice that when he starts school she'll be there too :)


  1. LOVE the name of your blog! He is so very very lovely :) Will be following his progress xx

    1. Thank you Esther, we too keep up to date with you all and send you all lots of love and prayers for your beautiful family xxx
