Today Reuben's portage worker came and has made a referral for him to see an educational psychologist. This isn't as alarming as it sounds, basically Reuben hasn't ticked all the boxes he should be doing with regards to communication, interaction and eye-contact but I'm not overly worried - Reuben is Reuben! So we'll see what they say, I don't think he will need any additional support but we'll have to wait and see.
He's also entitled to his free nursery place after Easter and hopefully we will get the place in the nursery of our choice, the referral is going through at the moment from the relevant departments and we should hear quite soon, the funding is already in place for him. It will be good for him just to attend a couple of mornings and work on those social skills to tick those boxes!
Physio are coming next week to put Reuben's new wheels on his walker so he can use it outside - we were told they would be done last December! It's not been a problem though, but we're glad it's finally being sorted! Reuben's potty chair also arrived, bright green and shiny it'll be a while before he will be ready to use it but he can get used to it being in the house.
Last week we went to the Portage morning and I met the other parents and children who work with Reuben's portage worker. It was a good opportunity to meet with other parents and Reuben enjoyed playing with some new toys, especially looking at the bubble tube, I think we may have to invest in one of those!
We got Reuben's birthday photos back - here they are! With his balloons and presents :o)
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