Thursday, 13 October 2011

Physio etc

Yesterday Alison came to properly fit the new walking frame to Reuben's size so he can use it properly, he wasn't so keen to say goodbye to the old green one, he had grown fond of the rickety assessment frame! We talked about solutions to the problems he has at night time in bed, he wakes up every hour at night because he gets pins and needles and cramp in his legs from where he lies on the edge of the cast so has to be rolled over and legs rubbed, also because of the cast, nappies leak at the sides because there is a gap. We have tried every nappy on the market, and even tried using 2 at a time but they still leak. I wrote to Pampers for suggestions and they kindly sent me 2 large packs of easy up pants and 2 packs of wipes for free which was nice! They are better because they have wider stretchy sides, but they still do leak a bit. As far as the mattress goes, baby mattresses are always quite firm to prevent the risk of suffocation and Reuben needs one a bit softer to take some of the pressure of the cast; physio can't provide anything like that so I'm going to try and get hold of some thin memory foam and make him a mattress topper to fit myself and see how he goes. They are going to provide him with a potty chair for when he starts potty training, it will have sides that will help him get on and off easier.
We went to clinic in the afternoon and his weight is steady and they are pleased with his progress.
He decided that Esther's dolly needed a clean so went to get some wipes and gave her a wash!

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