Wednesday, 12 October 2011

C-3PO Reuben!

Reuben's new walking frame has arrived - a rather unusual colour I noticed as I unwrapped the box and put everything together - it reminds me of C-3PO from Star Wars! Reuben wanted to have a go straight away and try it out it's brand new and shiny, not sure how long it will stay like that!

We've also received Reuben's CAF form and referral to Portage so we'll see how that goes. Reuben's occupational therapist Angela is off work for a little while so he won't have his usual weekly sessions for his bimanual synkinesis until she is back, hopefully it won't be for too long he really likes the sessions!

He is continuing to develop all the time and has started to show interest in using spoons and forks to eat food with. It's frustrating sometimes for him but he so desperately wants to do it! He has a good attempt at it too so it's encouraging. He's loving animal sounds at the moment, says 'uff' when he sees a dog, makes a pig snort noise and oooo for a cow very cute!

Back at the clinic tomorrow for the usual check ups too.

 look at that tongue sticking out lol!

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