Monday 3 February 2014

Reuben is 4!

It's been a while since I last updated so here's just a quick summary of how everything is!

Reuben's spine is doing well, he's all healed up from his operations and we've had no problems, we've had to be careful about him falling or bumping but he's doing well so far. He's back next month for his pre-ops for his next operation in April to have the rods lengthened. 

Reuben survived Christmas time, he had a few wobbles and the Christmas tree had many frustrated times of being pushed over but all in all we managed to keep him calm and  try not to make too much fuss of the whole thing but also make it special for Esther without upsetting Reuben with too much change or new things, as he gets really distressed with things being out of routine or unexpected things happening. He enjoyed opening his presents and he likes playing with his new toys :)

At the beginning of January Reuben saw the paediatrician who is leaning now more to a diagnosis of Asperger's, rather than high function autistic spectrum disorder, we have a TAC meeting tomorrow with all the other departments involved in Reuben's care and we will talk about this more then. At the meeting will be the paediatrician, specialist health visitor, educational psychologist, occupational therapist, physiotherapist, nursery workers, disability inclusion support worker, the head teacher of the school Reuben will be attending in September and us, with apologies from the speech and language therapist who cannot attend but she visited last week and identified areas where Reuben is struggling so we can work to helping him with those - it was things like Reuben couldn't understand other people's emotions or feelings so it's something we can help him with following the episode plan which we will receive soon and this will be implemented at the nursery and followed at home.

Last week it was Reuben's birthday - he's now 4! He enjoyed opening presents and we went to visit family on the day. He likes the minions from Despicable Me 2 so his presents were based around those and the gruffalo which he still adores.

Here is a photo set we had taken of him for his birthday :)

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