Saturday 12 October 2013

Before and After

It's been 9 days now since Reuben's operations and I'm still stunned every time I see him of the difference his surgery has made, he is straighter, taller and slowly we are seeing his cheeky personality come back which is lovely. He's back on morphine at the moment for a little while at home but hopefully soon he will be able to manage with the less strong pain relief.
Yesterday he had a cast mould taken for a brace to be made to protect him for a few months until the bones get a little stronger, it'll be ready in a couple of weeks and he will need to wear it during the day. They are made with bright patterns on and Reuben will be having a dinosaur pattern on his :)
He also had the stitches taken out from the wound drains yesterday and the dressings were taken off his back and he is healing nicely. He might have a bit of infection going on in the lower area so swabs were taken and it was re-dressed and they're just going to keep an eye on it for a little while.
Reuben is doing well at walking now, he can manage to potter around the house a bit and just needs help from sitting to lying and standing up it's really lovely to see him up and about again!

before and after, from the back and looking down, the difference is amazing :)

1 comment:

  1. What a transformation. It's miraculous what they can achieve these days. Bless you Reuben.
