Friday, 13 January 2012

3 weetabix?!

Reuben is doing very well at the moment, his appetite has increased considerably since having a bigger cast as there's more room and as a result he has put on a whole pound in weight in just 3 weeks! Usually he manages 1-2oz per week so it's a big leap!
He had a lovely Christmas and received some great toys which he loves - it took him a while to realise that there were presents inside the wrapping - he liked the peppa pig wrapping paper so much he didn't want to take it off and was upset a bit at first when we tried to help him take it off but he got the hang of it eventually discovering that there were exciting things inside!

We have been on a couple of days out and Reuben particularly enjoyed going on the steam train at MOSI and looking at the dinosaurs and things at the Lancashire Museum on a different day.

Portage now visit weekly to work with Reuben and myself, we have set some targets for him within the framework of the early learning goals, which for Reuben are all linked to communication and language in some way to help him develop in that area. he has been referred to speech therapy and we are still waiting to hear from them.
He is becoming a lot more able physically and manages to kneel by himself and get up off the floor, it takes a while but he gets there.
Reuben's next cast change will be on Tuesday 31st January 2 days after his birthday! I'm going to confirm with the hospital, as it will only have been 7 weeks since the last cast change and they wanted it to last for 12 weeks but it may be that it's the only theatre slot available or something.
2 weeks until Reuben is 2! Where did that time go?! 2 already!

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