We've had a call from Portage to say they are coming to assess Reuben on the 1st December. They will do a risk assessment of the house also for their workers and hopefully will be able to start soon! They will work on helping Reuben to develop and learn through play, helping him with speech therapy and achieving the early learning goals. Sadly it means that Angela his occupational therapist won't be coming as often, Reuben loves it when she comes to play with him he gets very excited, but I'm hoping he loves the portage workers too!
Reuben had a bit of a sickness bug last week, he was ill for a couple of days but has his appetite back now - and surprisingly he hadn't lost any weight when he went to the clinic to be weighed he had put on the usual 2oz!
Angela came yesterday and Reuben did something quite extraordinary! He had 2 pens of different colours and although he couldn't coordinate his hands to take the lids off, he managed to use the pens to make some marks on paper and then using lots of concentration and determination worked out putting the correct lids on each pen - and managed to put the lids on all by himself! We were astonished! He finds it so difficult to do tasks like that and we were so pleased with him, he's managing to learn to do more and more things around the condition with his hands they are small steps but he's getting there!
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